North Park Village beautification- Phase 2

You’ve probably already seen the great orange and teal mural at the northeast corner of Cook and North Park Streets. It was created for the North Park Village by a group of artists under the leadership of Luke Ramsey, Victoria’s artist-in-residence.

Now we are excited by the news that grant funding has been approved for the next phase of this beautification project, which is a joint undertaking of the North Park Neighbourhood Association and the Fernwood Community Association. Phase Two will extend the orange “story line” to two more corners of this intersection at the heart of our village – specifically to the north wall of Toes ‘n’ Taps Dance Shoppe, and the front windows of Cook Street Castle Building Centre

Huge thanks to Toes ‘n’ Taps Dance Shoppe, TriEagle Developments, Cook Street Castle Building Centre and Garside Signs & Displays for their participation in this project. And of course the City of Victoria’s Great Neighbourhood Grant Program.

Also, keep your eyes open for new banners at the Pandora and Caledonia Avenue ends of the village.