Spring 2021 Vegetable Seedling Distribution with Get Growing, Victoria!
Get Growing, Victoria is a free food seedlings distribution program that was created in 2020. The City works in partnership with community and non-profit organizations to distribute food seedlings in the Spring and the Summer to communities disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project prioritizes support for people who have been disproportionally impacted by the pandemic and want to grow food at home, but that may be facing barriers to access to food plants and garden materials, or are facing barriers to access fresh, locally grown food. For more information, or to see a full list of all neighbourhood distribution partners visit here.
The pick up day for the vegetable seedlings is Monday, May 31, 2021 from 10am-3pm at Franklin Green Park (behind Wellburns at Cook & Mason).
Registered recipients will be picking up their seedlings between 10am-1pm, and the general public will be invited to pick up what is left over between 1pm-3pm. You have registered if you have filled out this survey.
- You will be able to choose from the following selection of seedlings: Lettuce, kale, mustard greens, chard, cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, tomato, cherry tomato, nasturtiums, marigolds, basil, chives
- In addition to seedlings there will also be compost, mulch, and some gardening supplies.
What you need to bring:
- A box/tray to carry your seedlings home
- Containers/bags for mulch and compost
COVID-19 precautions:
- Stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others
- Please follow the signage on site
- All volunteers and recipients are required to wear a mask (there will be extras on site)
- Keep at least 2 metres from other recipients and volunteers
- Sanitize your hands when you arrive and before you leave the park
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands
- Bring your own tray or carrying mechanism to take home the plants
- Do not pick up or touch plants you are not taking home; if you touch it, you take it
- Volunteers will be sanitizing surfaces often and wearing proper PPE
- Thank you for only taking what you need so there can be plants for everyone